1. Carrie @ Cosy Carolina Interiors says:

    I love both these rooms!!! Amazing color! Glad you are back; I missed your posts! 🙂

  2. Kim says:

    Love the color … I am working on 2 dining rooms as well right now … they are kind of fun!!! xokim

  3. therelishedroost says:

    Glad to see you back! I love sea grass wallcoverings they really made a wonderful impact on these spaces! just lovely!!

  4. Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt says:

    I love the blue grass-cloth and the new chairs…it looks so good!

  5. Nancy {at} powellbrower at home says:

    Gorgeous Stephanie! Those wall coverings make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Your details are wonderful and love the chandelier! xo Nancy

  6. Andrea says:

    I'm trying to decide on lighting in my dining room. I love this chandelier and am curious what sconces you put with it as I am also doing sconces. Would you mind sharing the sources for both?

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