Just a sprinkling of modern

  1. Carrie @ Cosy Carolina Interiors says:

    LOVE this look! I totally agree with you about how it can take the look of a room in another direction. Thanks for finding some less expensive choices! 🙂

  2. Yvonne @ StoneGable says:

    This is really a great idea!!! A touch of see through lucite can bring a touch of modern to probably any room. New follower here!!!

  3. Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt says:

    Love the look…using it in a clients home.

  4. miss b says:

    Lovely ideas and I agree – just the one piece of furniture can make such a difference!

  5. Tiffany says:

    We put ghost chairs in our kitchen and I love them. They're actually really comfortable. I haven't done a final reveal of my kitchen yet because I'm going to buy some ghost stools for the counter but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Speaking of getting around to things, I promise I'll do my Liebster post soon. Life has been so busy lately.

  6. Rhonda says:

    I'm usually not a modern decor lover, but I have a crush on acrylic ghost chairs! I can't wait to get one for my writing table in my bedroom!

    Visiting from Savvy Southern Style… Rhonda @ home.made.

  7. Curtains in My Tree says:

    I have always wanted a set of 4 chairs gohst chairs, however have been told they always come scratched from places that offer them at $139.I read this one a review from amazon??? tell me it ain't so ?
    I would love to believe other wise
    I have a white kitchen and I know these would be a great change for me


  8. Curtains in My Tree says:

    I have always wanted a set of 4 chairs gohst chairs, however have been told they always come scratched from places that offer them at $139.I read this one a review from amazon??? tell me it ain't so ?
    I would love to believe other wise
    I have a white kitchen and I know these would be a great change for me


  9. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    Me too — thanks Carrie!

  10. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    Thanks for reading… Thanks for following!!

  11. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    hmmm … would love to see!

  12. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    I bet.. can't wait to see the final reveal and totally understand about liebster! take your time!

  13. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    I know whats great is that they look in great in any type of décor! go for it!

  14. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    Thanks for stopping in and I say go for it!

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