Outdoor Eye Candy

  1. Laura Stutzman House Envy says:

    Thanks for the planting tips! I was just telling my husband that I need to do some planting to get some color around my white house! I have so much to learn about gardening! I wish I knew more. It is such an art and very much is a form of decorating. I am just clueless though! Warm weather surrender! Gees!!

  2. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    Laura- thanks for stopping by! It took me years to even learn what little I know but I just cruise the internet to get information and ideas. I only learned from doing that a lot of these bulbs/perennials that add color to your house come up looking like weeds first so its a good idea to hide them behind shrubs or put them in a not so visible spot in your beds. Good luck with your spring planting and hope you get the warm weather soon too!

  3. Chelsea says:

    Oh, I have those three glass vessels and I just love them. I am so excited about spring and flowers. xo

  4. Albertina M. Cisneros says:

    I love your flower arrangement. So beautiful! I love the gladiolus because they really add height.

  5. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    I know love those vessels – have ahd them for years now! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. stephanie at Stephanie Kraus Designs says:

    Thanks for stopping by Albertina!

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